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Classic round trip 1 week                      

Day 1 : Arrival Cairo. Meet & Greet and transfer to hotel.

Day 2 : Excursion to Egyptian Museum and Gaza Pyramids incl lunch 

Day 3  : Excursion to Coptic and Islamic Cairo incl lunch Overnight sleeper train to Aswan incl

Day 4 : Excursion to High Dam, Philae temple and Granite quarries in Aswan. Felucca sailing. Check  in   at cruiser 3              nights. Full board onboard

Day 5 : Cruising and visit to Kom Ombo & Edfu.Full board onboard.

Day 6 : Arriving Luxor. Visits to Valley of Kings and Hatshepsut's temple as well the Colossi of Memnon. Full board onboard

Day 7 : Check out. Visits to Luxor & Karnak temple.Lunch & Departure    by Overnight sleeper train to Cairo incl dinner. 

Day 8  : Arrival in Cairo. Transfer to airport. Breakfast included. Meet & greet in the airport, transfers and transportation
            (incl sleeping train  Cairo – Luxor and     Aswan- Cairo) .Hotel and cruises according to the different categories.
              Breakfast buffet and 56lunches and 3 dinners (+ 2 train dinners).Excursions above incl English Speaking local               guide (for FIT’s this guide might be shared with other English     speaking clients onboard group) entrance fees               and transportation .Tip to drivers, and cruise ship is included.

NO HIDDEN COSTS- Prices below includes all above mentioned itinerary ALSO the sleeping train 1 sty class
For 5* deluxe package please request.
 Not included
Local guide tip (Recommended 3-5 USD per person per day)
Anything else not mentioned in above program.

If the clients want to have domestic flights instead of sleepers train supplement USD 220 more per person. If the clients want to fly one way and go by train one way .USD 140 if the fly between Luxor and Cairo and USD 175 if the fly between Cairo and Aswan in 5* category .(USD 8 dollar less in 4*).Packed salad to bring on the train USD 5 per person per meal. 

Arrival in Cairo Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday. The program will be altered according to arrival day. Below is based on arrival Tuesday 

Day 1 : Tuesday, Cairo
           Galaxia Tours representative meets you inside the airport before the passport control, carrying a sign with your names.
           He helpswith visa* and passport formalities and to pick up your luggage. Our transfer car (minibus or larger depending
           on how many you are traveling together) and transfer guide takes you to the hotel and arrange for your check in. He        
            will also inform you about your program, timing etc. 
Day 2 : Wednesday, Cairo
           Our transfer guide will introduce you to your local guide and the excursion can start. A visit to the Egyptian Museum is
           an absolute  must on a tour to Cairo. Your guide will take you through the history of Pharaonic Egypt with the help of the 
           artifacts exhibited, from Narmer to Akhnaton and Ramses. Of course, the galleries with the treasures of Tutankhamon 
           will be carefully explained.After lunch we continue to the most famous sight in Egypt of course, the Pyramids at the
           Giza Plateau, dating back to 2500 B.C.One of the seven classic Wonders of the World, they are the oldest and           
           the only remaining. The visit will take us to the highes point of the plateau to have a panoramic view of the area, to
            one of the three pyramids ( Cheops, Kephren or Mycerinos), where  those who wish may enter, as well as the valley             temple of Kephren and the mysterious Sphinx.
Day 3 : Thursday Cairo (train to Aswan )
           Christianity came to Egypt with Mark in the first century A.D., and the largest Christian communities in Egypt, the Copts,
           call their church one of the oldest in the world. We will hear about the holy family's flight to Egypt, about the first monks             and monasteries and about how Pharaonic art and symbols made their way into the new religion . Then we visit on of the             churches which provided shelter to the Holy Family after escaping Herodes.
We then continue to one of the most magnificent mosques of Cairo, El Rifai, where we will learn more about Islam. The mosque is also the burial site of among others King Farouq and the last Shah of Iran.
We end our tour in the very oriental bazaar district called Khan El Khalili. While walking through this famous bazaar we observe daily life and the oriental character of this place with its typical shops and cafés. We will have our lunch in a nice restaurant in the middle of the bazaar.
Transportation to South of Egypt is done overnight by sleepers train. (Single or double cabins. Wash basin in the cabin and 2 toilets per wagon.) or by early morning plane next day. See price list supplement
Day 4 Friday. (Aswan)
          Arrival in the early morning to Aswan in the far south of Egypt. Directly upon arrival our excursion will take us through both
          pharaonic and modern history. We will go to the High Dam, this wonder of the new world and learn a little about how it
          has changed life in the valley. We than continue to the Philae temple situated on a small island between the old Aswan
           Dam and the High Dam. Here the goddess Isis ruled, after she was left alone when her husband the god Osiris was
           murdered according to the ancient mythology.
The unfinished obelisk in the granite quarry will be our last stop and one cannot help but to be fascinated by the enormity of projects done during a time when no real tools existed. 
After the excursion we will check in at the cruiser and have lunch.
In the afternoon we will enjoy a small sailing tour in a typical Nile boat the s c felucca and the rest of day free at leisure to explore beautiful Aswan.
Lunch and dinner will be served onboard.
Day 5 : Saturday (Cruising)
          In the early morning the cruise starts towards Kom Ombo and we can enjoy the panoramic view from the sundeck. 
          Not much has changed in the Nile River valley since the time of the pharaohs and the farmer and all his family are
           working hard on the fields. The intensive green color stands in sharp contrast to the dry surrounding dry brown desert.
From the harbor in Kom Ombo there is only a short walk to the beautifully situated double temple dedicated to the gods of Haroreris and Sobek.
After the visit the cruiser continues to Edfu. The visit to Edfu temple is one of the very memorable moments of this tour. The
Horus temple was built approximately 200 BC and is perfectly preserved.
Back on the cruiser it will continue to sail northwards toward the lock of Esna. We pass through the lock during the late evening and continue to Luxor.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea will be served onboard.
Day 6 : Sunday Cruising & Luxor.
          As soon as the cruiser reaches Luxor we leave for the western bank of the river, to the Valleys of the Dead. We will visit
          the Valley of Kings where among others the tomb of Tut-Anch-Amoun´s was found almost intact in the 1920s. The texts
          and the pictures of the walls are describing the thoughts and imagination of the transformance from life to death. Once
          totally clear to the pharaohs it is for us today to a great extent incomprehensible but oh, so fascinating. Approximately
          10 of the 60 tombs are opened to the public and we will visit two of them together. 

We continue to the Valley Temple of Hatshepsut, the famous female Pharaoh and will also see the Colossus of Memnon once standing outside the temple of Amunhotep III.

Breakfast, lunch & dinner onboard
Day 7 : Monday Luxor (train to Cairo)
          Check out at 8.00 am. After breakfast we will visit the amazing Karnak and Luxor temple-complexes, the Vatican of the
           Pharaonic Era. The temple was built during 2000 years. Here everything is large and some of the most impressing                sights will be the monumental gates, enormous halls with pillars and beautiful wall carvings.
Lunch at a hotel or the cruiser. Rest of day free at leisure
In the evening the sleeper train takes you back to Cairo.
Dinner onboard.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner train included.
Day 8 : Tuesday (Cairo) Departure
Arrival in Cairo in the early morning. Transfer to the airport for departure to India or to a hotel for an extension of the program.

Cairo is Egypt’s capital city, and with over 16 million inhabitants, it ranks as one of the largest cities in Africa.  This city of contradictions will enthrall you with its ageless charm.  The ancient and the modern co-exist in surprising harmony, and the hospitality and friendliness of its people will set you at ease.  Historic Cairo includes the wonders of the pharaohs, as well as
a religious heritage embodied in the numerous Jewish, Coptic and Islamic monuments that abound.

 Pyramids of Gaza

The only present-day survivors of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, The Pyramids of Gaza are among the world’s greatest tourist attractions and never lose their ability to inspire and overwhelm visitors.  The largest and oldest of the Pyramids of Gaza is that of Cheops (Khufu).  Also known as the Great Pyramid, it is thought to have been built between 2589 – 2566 BC. Located at the base of the south face of the Great Pyramid are five boat pits discovered in 1982, as well as a Museum which houses one of the boats.  The Pyramids of Khafre the Great and Menkaure the Divine may not be as large in size as the Great Pyramid, but they are no less imposing in fascination.


Eulogized in poetry, enthroned in legend, the Sphinx remains a symbol of strength, wisdom and mystery for eons.  Partially buried several times over the years by the shifting desert sands, the Sphinx now stands fully exposed with its impressive dimensions visible to all.  The body of a lion with the head of a king or god, the Sphinx lines up with the Pyramid of Khafre, and it is believed that it was commissioned by that 4th Dynasty king. The Sphinx faces the rising sun with a temple to the front which resembles the sun temples which were built later by the kings of the 5th Dynasty. The body is 60m in length and 20m tall.

Sakkara pyramids

The Step Pyramid.  Zoser was the second king of the 3rd Dynasty. It is believed that a man named Imhotep built the step pyramid of Zoser. Some scholars think this tomb was intended for a member of Zoser's family and not for himself.  This is Egypt's first major work in stone. The original structure was an underground burial chamber. This chamber was rare in that it was square; most mastabas were rectangular. The royal tomb is 28m underground with a vertical shaft leading to it. The entrance was sealed with a 3-ton piece of granite.

The Pyramid of Unas 

Unas was the last king of the 5th Dynasty. This pyramid lies south of the Step Pyramid. This pyramid is also in poor condition but the burial chambers are worth the visit. In this chamber, you will find the earliest Egyptian funerary texts carved into the walls and filled with a blue pigment.  These are referred to as the Pyramid Texts. You may enter the pyramid from the north side. Trying to block the way, are three huge slabs of granite. Once inside the chamber, you will find the Pyramid Texts that were intended to help the pharaoh's soul in the afterworld. They were to help the soul find Re, the sun god.

Pyramid of Teti .  Kind Teti was the founder of the 6th Dynasty. His pyramid is now mostly a pile of rubble in constant danger of being covered by the sand. There is a steep pathway that leads to the funerary chamber. The chamber ceiling is decorated with stars.


Built in 3,100 BC, Memphis is the legendary city of Menes, the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt. By the 3rd Dynasty, the building at Sakkara suggests that Memphis had become a sizable city.Menes founded the city by creating dikes to protect the area from Nile floods. This great city of the Old Kingdom became the administrative and religious center of Egypt
It became a cosmopolitan community and was probably one of the largest and most important cities in the ancient world. The city must have been huge, judging from the size of its necropolises which extend for some 19 miles along the west bank of the Nile that included Dahshur, Sakkara, Abusir, Zawyet el-Aryan, Giza and Abu Rawash.
But there is little left of the city today. Originally, the city had many fine temples, palaces and gardens. But today, other than the scattered ruins, most of the city is gone, or lies beneath cultivated fields, Nile silt and local villages. What we do know of Memphis comes to us from its necropolises, mentioned above, text and papyrus from other parts of Egypt and Herodotus, who visited the city. The fraction we can see of Memphis today is located principally around the small village of Mit Rahina. Ptah was the principle pagan god worshipped here.

The Egyptian museum

The Egyptian  Museum is located at Tahrir Square in Cairo. Built in 1897 it consists of 107 halls comprising:
-          Huge Pharaonic statues and sarcophagi on the Ground Floor
- Tutankhamen treasures
- Pre-dynasty and the Old Kingdom monuments
- First intermediate period and the Middle Kingdom monuments
- Monuments of the Modern Kingdom
- Monuments of the late period and the Greek and Roman periods
- Coins and papyrus
- Sarcophagi and scarabs
- Hall for royal mummies housing eleven kings and queens

Salah el Din Cidadel

Old Cairo offers a multidude of examples of Islamic architecture, and monuments, including the beautiful and graceful Mohamed Ali Mosque and the ancient Citadel, a spectacular medieval fortress perched on a hill above the city. Originally built by Salah El-Din in 1176 to fortify the city against the Crusaders, the Citadel was modified and enlarged over the centuries by subsequent rulers and today is a complex of three mosques and four museums.  You will also be able to visit the elegant Sultan Hassan and Refaie mosques – both beautiful examples of Islamic architecture.

Khan el Khalily
Cairo offers numerous shopping opportunities, but if you’re looking for traditional handicrafts in a unique atmosphere then the fascinating Khan El-Khalili Bazaar is the place to go.   Originally founded as a watering stop for caravans in the 14th century, the bazaar has now grown to vast proportions.  Possibly the largest bazaar in the Middle East, this labrynth of narrow streets houses workshops and stalls (some of them hundreds of years old) selling all manner of things from woodwork, glassware and leather goods to perfumes, fabrics and Pharaonic curios.


Once the center of the ancient world, Luxor is the most important destination for any visitor interested in ancient Egyptian history.  This outdoor museum has the largest collection of historical monuments in Egypt, distributed throughout the City of Luxor on the East side of the Nile, the town of Karnak north of Luxor, and Thebes on the west side of the Nile.
Karnak temple

Karnak is the home of the god Amon who was an insignificant local god until the 12th dynasty when Thebes became the capital of Egypt. He was represented in his original state as a goose and later as a ram, at the height of his power he was shown as a human with a head dress of feathers - all that remained of the goose.
Dedicated to the Theben triad of Amon, Mut and Khonsu. It is the mother of all religious buildings, the largest ever made and a place of pilgrimage for nearly 4,000 years.
 It covers about 200 acres 1.5km by 0.8km.  The area of the sacred enclosure of Amon alone is 61 acres and would hold ten average European cathedrals. The great temple at the heart of Karnak is so big; St Peter's, Milan and Notre Dame Cathedrals could be lost within its walls. The Hypostyle hall at 54,000 square feet with its 134 columns is still the largest room of any religious building in the world. In addition to the main sanctuary there are several smaller temples and a vast sacred lake.
Luxor temple
The Temple of Luxor was built predominately by Amenhotep II and Ramses II. The Temple was the focal point for rituals and festivals. One of the most important festivals celebrated there was the festival of Opet. During the 18th dynasty the festival lasted for a period of 11 days but by the 20th dynasty it lasted 27 days. The procession of images of the current royal family began at Karnak and ended at the temple of Luxor. By the late 18th Dynasty the journey was being made by barge, on the Nile River.  The Temple of Luxor has a great pylon with carved episodes from the Battle of Kadesh when Ramses defeated the Hittites. There is the one red granite obelisk (a twin one is now at the Place de la Concorde in Paris.
At the south end of the Temple of Luxor was an additional courtyard constructed by Ramses II during the 19th dynasty. This great court is surrounded with papyrus bud capital columns. Within this court is the minaret from the mosque of Abu'l Haggag who was a Sufi sheikh. Although Abu'l Haggag died in 1243, the mosque dates to the 19th century
The court of Amenhotep II was built by Amenhotep II, and added to by Tutankhamen and Horemheb. The Colonnade consists of 14 columns with papyrus capitals. At the entrance are two statues bearing the name Ramses II but with the features of Tutankhamen. The east and west side of the court has well preserved double rows of papyrus columns with bud capitals.
The Hypostyle Hall had four rows of eight such columns. The relief's of Amenhotep II were whitewashed and painted over in the 3rd or 4th century. The stucco is crumbling, and just recently, beginning to show the relief's underneath. The second antechamber has four columns (versus eight in the first antechamber) and relief's of Amenhotep II offering incense to Amun.

Valley of the kings

The king's formal names and titles are inscribed in his tomb along with his images and statues. Beginning with the 18th Dynasty and ending with the 20th, the kings abandoned Memphis and begun building their tombs in Thebes. Most tombs were cut into the limestone and constructed with three corridors, an antechamber and a sunken sarcophagus chamber. These catacombs were harder to rob and were easily concealed. Construction usually lasted six years, and texts in the tombs are from the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Gates and the Book of the Underworld. 
Nearly all the tombs were robbed.  Luckily, the priests collected and hid some of the mummies which have survived until now.  Among these are the mummies of Hatshepsut, Thuthmosis III and the mummy of Ramses II.  
In 1922 through the efforts of Sir Howard Carter,  one tomb was discovered totally intact, that of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen.  This was the most exciting and richest find ever made in Egypt.  2500 articles have been found in the tomb.  Made of gold, ivory, silver, alabaster, and wood, precious stones were inlaid into objects.  Today, they occupy a special room in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
The following tombs can be found there: Ramses IV ,Ramses IX,Ramses IV ,Ramses IX, Merneptah,   Ramses VI, Ramses III, Seti I, Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep II, Horemheb,  Tutankhamun

Valley of Queens

Here are between 75 and 80 tombs in the Valley of the Queens (Princes & Princesses) who belonged to the 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties.   The tombs are decorated only with paintings (no relief’s have been found).  The walls of the tombs were covered with Nile mud  and then the entire surface was whitewashed in preparation for the painting. The colors are vivid! 
Some tombs found here are:  The Tomb of Khaemwese, The Tomb of Queen Titi, The Tomb of Amen-Hor-Khepesh, The Tomb of Nefertari

colossi du memnon

In the 18th dynasty Amenhotep III built a mortuary temple in Thebes that was guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. All that remains now are those two statues of Amenhotep. 
They were named the "Colossi of Memnon" by the Greeks for the legendary hero of the Trojan War.  Nature has damaged the statues but the impact is still impressive.  They are hewn from single sandstone block measuring 20 meters high.
Aswan is a beautiful city located in Upper Egypt.  It was once the gate to Africa and an important ancient trade center.  Aswan today offers beautiful natural scenery in addition to numerous sites of interest.

Edfu Temple

The town of Edfu, on the west bank of the Nile 56km south of Esna and 105km north of Aswan, is today an important centre for sugar production and pottery-making. Edfu was the place where the god Horus was worshipped and where the battle between Horus and his traditional enemy Seth in ancient mythology took place. The main monument at Edfu is the Ptolemaic Temple of Horus on the edge of the town and was first excavated by Auguste Mariette in the 1860s.
The Temple of Horus at Edfu is the best-preserved ancient temple in Egypt and the second largest after the Temple of Karnak.  The temple was built during the six reigns of the Ptolemies on the site of the great battle between Horus and Seth. Horus was the falcon headed god.

Komombo Temple

About 28 miles north of Aswan is the Temple of Kom Ombo built on a high dune overlooking the Nile River. Ptolemy VI built the temple in the 2nd century BC but Ptolemy XIII built the outer and inner hypostyle halls. Augustus built the outer enclosure and part of the court around 30 B.C.
The temple is actually made up of two temples: that of Sobek and that of Haroeris. In ancient time, crocodiles waded in the river. There are two entrances, two courts, two colonnades, two hypostyle halls and two sanctuaries. There were probably even two sets of priests for the two temples. Foundations are all that are left of the original Pylon. Beyond the Pylon, there was once a staircase in the court that led to a roof terrace. In the southwest corner is the one column that does not echo the duality of the temples. Here, there are scenes depicting purification of the King, his coronation and his consecration of the Temple. The ceiling has astronomical images. In the anti chamber, there are scenes depicting the goddess Seshat. Statues to the gods and the builders of the temple once occupied the net room just before the sanctuaries. The ceiling of the pure place to the north still remains with an image of Nut. There is little left of the sanctuaries


Aswan is a beautiful city located in Upper Egypt.  It was once the gate to Africa and an important ancient trade center.  Aswan today offers beautiful natural scenery in addition to numerous sites of interest.

Philae temple

On a small island in the Nile near Aswan stands the amazing Temple of Isis at Philae. This monument is possibly best known for the international effort which moved it in it's entirety to the island when it's original location was threatened by the change in water level caused by the High Dam.  The UNESCO rescue operations started in the 1960’s. The temple has been completely dismantled and rebuilt to the original orientation on the nearby island of Agilika which rises higher from the water and has been reshaped and landscaped to resemble the original Philae.
There are many legends connected to Philae, but the most well known one tells the story of how Isis found the heart of Osiris here after his murder by his brother Seth.
On the right side of the temple precinct stands Trajan's kiosk. This beautiful building was where the sacred barge with the statue of Isis landed during its annual precession down the river. The kiosk, rebuilt by the Roman emperor Trajan, consists of 14 columns with screen walls which are decorated with scenes of Trajan making offerings to Isis, Osiris and Horus.
Like most of the major monuments in Egypt which are assessable to the mass tourist market Philae has an impressive 'Sound and Light' show. As darkness descends the Pylons and buildings on the island are picked out by spotlights of various colors producing a breathtaking effect recounting the legends against the magnificent backdrop of the floodlit monuments - a truly magical experience.

The aswan high dam

The world famous Aswan High Dam was an engineering miracle built in the 1960's.  The dam is 11,811 feet long, 3,215 feet wide and 364 feet high.
It provides irrigation and electricity for the entire country of Egypt along with the old Aswan Dam. The High Dam created a 30% increase in the agricultural land in Egypt.  The electricity producing capability of the dam doubled Egypt's available supply. 
The High Dam added a whole new aspect to Egypt and a new environment as well. The lake is some 500 miles in length and at the time it was created.  It is probably the world's largest artificial lake.

The unfinished obelisk

The Granite Quarries provided much of the red granite used for ancient temples and colossi.  Located in the Northern Quarry, the Unfinished Obelisk (42 m in length) lies in the same place it was discarded thousands of years ago, when a crack was discovered as it was being carved.
Most of the granite used in the ancient Egyptian tombs, temples and obelisks came from the quarries in the Aswan area. Around these quarries are many inscriptions, many of which describe successful quarrying projects. Of particular interest is the Unfinished Obelisk located in the Northern Quarry.  Because it has a large crack it was never used.  However, if it had been finished it would have weighed over 2.3 million pounds and would have been the largest piece of stone ever handled.

Abu Simbel Temple [including on program 08 only & rest of program will be as optional]

Once the ancient kingdom of Kush, Nubia houses archeological sites of great interest: temples, fortresses and tombs. The constructionof the High Dam  brought up a great danger of overflooding the temples of Philae, Kalabsha and Abu Simbel. One can enjoy a cruise in Lake Nasser to explore the New Nubia after relocating the flooded temples.
Situated 280 km south of Aswan, the two temples of Abu Simbel are the most magnificent temples in the world. The first temple was built by the mighty pharaoh Ramses II and the other for his wife Queen Nefertari. Their allocation is an achievement that was supported and managed by UNESCO.


The Sinai Peninsula is a vast area of unspoiled beauty.  The excellent quality of the water, the magnificent underwater world and the impressing panorama of the Sinai Mountains, all promise an unforgettable experience.  Sharm El Sheikh is fast becoming the main attraction of this area.  A costal resort where you can relax and enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches and sunshine, Sharm El Sheikh offers the vacationer a full complement of activities, whether water sports (water-skiing, windsurfing, diving, snorkeling), golf, tennis, horseback-riding or desert safaris.
If relaxation is what you’re looking for, there is no better place to simply kick back and enjoy the sun.  Places like the Hard Rock Café, discos, cozy local oriental Cafes and fish restaurants guarantee that once the sun has set, your nights are also filled with fun and entertainment.  Don’t miss a night out in Naima Bay, one of the favorite gathering points for locals and tourists, snuggled in the heart of Sharm El Sheikh.

Ras Mohamed

Ras Mohamed National Park occupies one of the world's most extraordinary settings.  Located at the  southernmost tip of the Sinai, looking out at some of the most gloriously rich coral reefs known to mankind, the Ras Mohammed Peninsula merges the  shallow Gulf of Suez with the deep intercontinental chasm of the Gulf of Aqaba.

Mount Moses & Sainte Catherine’s Monastery
or Musa) referred to as Jebel Musa, Gebel Mousa, Mount Moses or the Mountain of Moses (all of which basically means the same thing) is considered to be that biblical peak. This peak has religious significance to Islam as the place where Mohammed's horse, Boraq, ascended to heaven. The 7,497 foot mountain has 3,750 steps hewn out of stone by monks of St. Catherine's Monastery, which is located just to the North.

The peak is accessible by the steps, or by a gentler path east of the monastery. Both lead to an amphitheater known as the "Seven Elders of Israel". From there, one must ascend the remaining 750 steps to reach the summit where the Chapel of the Holy Trinity was built in 1934 (on the location of the original chapel built in 363 and rebuilt by Justinian in 530) and affords a truly breathtaking view. It is recommended that you take the steps down, as they will lead you past the fountain of Moses, a small chapel of the Virgin, and two arches, the Gate of St. Stephen and the Gate of the Law

As for the 6th-century St. Catherine's Monastery, it is built on the supposed site of Moses' burning bush, houses a fascinating collection of early Christian manuscripts, icons and relics. Several monks still live in the monastery. (Pope John Paul II paid a visit there in 2000.) St. Catherine's has a rich history indeed. So rich that it is a sparkling example of an undiscovered Jewel of travel.
The Colored Canyon

The Colored Canyon is a must-see when you are in Sinai. It is where the water has gorged a path over thousands of years into the rock opening up all different colored layers.
 The Colored Canyon presents one of the most magnificent rock formations in the world. The rock formations are an incomparable attraction: they vary from sandstone to limestone, granite and veins of basalt dominate the scenery through the entire hike.
 The road to the Colored Canyon is well paved, and snakes nicely through magnificent mountains and bold, rugged rock-formations of awe-inspiring beauty.

Info about HURGHADA

Founded in the early 20th Century, Hurghada has grown to become an international center for aquatic sports, and one of the leading tourist destinations on the Red Sea coast.  Glass bottom boats afford you a view into the undersea world.  If you are looking for a more immediate experience, try the  unparalleled snorkeling and diving opportunities available.  Windsurfing, swimming, sailing and deep sea fishing is just a few of the other diversions open to you here.  Unspoiled beaches, spectacular coral reefs, warm waters, unique underwater flora and fauna, and exotic aquatic life make this one the world’s most desired resort locations.
Hurghada has a large variety of resorts that offer a full complement of services.  With a lively night-life loaded with fun, excitement and entertainment, this beach resort offers something for every traveler.
                         Program 01 [ CAIRO/LUXOR/ASWAN/CAIRO]

• This offer valid from 01/03/2006 till 30/09/2006
• All above rates are quoted and payable in Us dollars, per person in double on full board basis.
• Single supplement : USD 180 for the 5* and USD 150 for the 4* program
• Triple reduction     : USD 20

Day 1 : Transfer from airport Cairo to Cairo Hotel , dinner and overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, full day visit the pyramids/sphinx/ Memephis/Sakkara and lunch during their visit, transfer to the sleeping             train station, dinner and overnight

Day 3 : Breakfast, transfer from luxor station to our 5* cruise,lunch, visit karnak & luxor temple ,dinner and overnight

Day 4 :
Breakfast, visit the west bank (valley of kings/queens/colossis of Memnon),lunch sailing to Esna, Dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus in Edfu, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner & overnight

Day 6  : Breakfast, visit the Komombo Temple, lunch, sail to Aswan, and visit the Botanical Gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 7  :  Breakfast, visit philae temple, the high dam and the obelisk, disembarkation after breakfast, lunch transfer               from cruise  till aswan station to have their sleeping train , from aswan to cairo, dinner & overnight

Day 8 : Breakfast, transfer from cairo station to cairo hotel, visits Egyptian museum/ citadel/ lunch, Khan el Khalily and             return back to the hotel,dinner & overnight

Day 9 : Breakfast, transfer from cairo hotel to airport cairo for final departure

Rates Includes :
- 02 nights in Cairo at intercontinental pyramids or Similar 5* or Oasis for the 4* or similar based on Half Board Basis .
- 02 nights in the sleeping train CAI/LXR & ASW/CAI on half board basis
- 04 nights cruise Luxor / Aswan on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
Visits in cairo : Pyramids/Sphinx/Memphis/sakkara/Egyptian Museim/Citadel/
Khan El Khalily
- 02 lunch during their visits in Cairo
- all transfers required

Rates Excludes :
- Visa [USD 25]
- Tips [USD 20]
- Supplement of  USD 120 from 09 – 24/04/2006 [ EASTER PERIOD]
- Reduction of USD 20 from 01/05/2006 till 30/072006



PAXs                01 – 02   03 – 07  08 – 25  26 up
Package rate 5* USD 820 USD 810 USD 800 USD 780
Package rate 4* USD 690 USD 675 USD 650 USD 640

• This offer valid from 01/03/2006 till 30/09/2006
• All above rates are quoted and payable in Us dollars, per person in double
• Single supplement : USD 300 for the 5* and USD 240 for the 4* program
• Triple reduction     : USD 25

Program :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1 : Transfer from airport Cairo to Cairo Hotel and diner & overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, full day visit the pyramids/sphinx/ Egyptian Museum  and lunch during their visit, transfer to the sleeping train station, dinner and overnight

Day 3 : Breakfast, transfer from aswan station to the cruise, lunch, visit philae temple, the high dam and the obelisk, dinner & overnight

Day 4 : Breakfast, sail to komombo, visit the temple, lunch, sail to edfu, visit the temple of Edfu, sail to Esna, Dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, arrival luxor, lunch, visit west bank ‘valley of the Kings / Queens / and Colossis of Memnon ’ dinner & overnight

Day 6 : Breakfast, visit luxor & Karnak temple, transfer from luxor to hurghada by bus to Hurghada hotel, dinner & overnight

Day 7 – Day 8 – Day 9 [ please see the different costing for different tours available attached Breakfast, Free for excursion  Sea trip / Safari …ect ‘optional’, dinner & overnight

Day 10 Breakfast, transfer from Hurghada hotel to C airo hotel by bus, dinner & overnight.

Day 11 Breakfast, transfer from cairo hotel to the airport for final flight

Rates Includes :
- 02 nights in Cairo at intercontinental pyramids 5* or Oasis for the 4* or similar based on Half Board Basis .
- 01 night in the sleeping train Cai/Aswan on Half Board basis
- 03 nights cruise Aswan/Luxor on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
- 04 nights in Hurghada at Sofitel Hurghada or Similar 5* or Conrad for the 4*
or similar based on Half Board basis
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
Visits in cairo : Pyramids/Sphinx/Egyptian Museim/Khan El Khalily 
- 01 lunch during their visits in Cairo
- all transfers required including LXR/HRG & HRG/CAIRO
Rates Excludes :
- Visa [USD 25]
- Tips [USD 20]
- Lunch during their stay in hurghada
- Supplement of  USD 100 from 09 – 24/04/2006 [ EASTER PERIODE]
- Reduction of USD 15 FROM 1/05/2006 till 30/07/2006

Program 03 [ LUXOR//LUXOR]


• This offer valid from 01/03/2006 till 30/09/2006
• All above rates are quoted and payable in Us dollars, per person in double on full board basis.
• Single supplement : USD 170 for the 5* and USD 120 for the 4* program
• Triple reduction     : USD 15

Program : :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1 : Transfer from airport luxor to cruise, lunch, free at leisure, dinner & overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, visit luxor temple and karnak temple, lunch, sailing to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 3 : Breakfast, Sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner and overnight.

Day 4 : Breakfast, sail to aswan visit philae temple, high dam, unfinished Obelisk, dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, free for optional Abu Simbel Tembles, lunch, visit the botanical gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 6 : Breakfast, sail to Komombo, visit the temple, lunch, sail to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 7 : Breakfast, arrival luxor, lunch, visit west bank ‘Valley of Kings/ Queens/ Hatshepsut and Colossis of Memnon’, dinner & overnight

Day 8 : Disembarkation after breakfast, transfer from cruise to airport luxor

Rates Includes :
- 07 nights Cruise Luxor/Luxor on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, Colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
- all transfers required

Rates Excludes :
- Visa [USD 25]
- Tips [USD 20]
- Supplement of  USD 70 from 09 – 24/04/2006
- Reduction of USD 35 from 01/05/2006 till 30/07/2006


14 NIGHTS / 15 DAYS          

Program : :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1 : Transfer from airport luxor to cruise, lunch, free at leisure, dinner & overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, visit luxor temple and karnak temple, lunch, sailing to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 3 : Breakfast, Sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner and overnight.

Day 4 : Breakfast, sail to aswan visit philae temple, high dam, unfinished Obelisk, dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, free for optional Abu Simbel Tembles, lunch, visit the botanical gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 6 : Breakfast, sail to Komombo, visit the temple, lunch, sail to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 7 : Breakfast, arrival luxor, lunch, visit west bank ‘Valley of Kings/ Queens/ Hatshepsut and Colossis of Memnon’,
          dinner & overnight

Day 8 : Disembarkation after breakfast, transfer from cruise to hurghada by bus to hurghada hotel, dinner & overnight

Day 9 – till day 14 Breakfast, Free for excursion  Sea trip / Safari …ect ‘optional’, dinner & overnight

Day 15 Breakfast, transfer from hurghada hotel to luxor for final departure .

Rates Includes :
- 07 nights Cruise Luxor/Luxor on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
07 nights in Sofitel Hurghada 5* or similar and Conrad for the 4* or similar based on Half Board basis
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
- all transfers required including luxor / hurghada / luxor



Program : :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1 : Transfer from airport luxor to cruise, lunch, free at leisure, dinner & overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, visit luxor temple and karnak temple, lunch, sailing to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 3 : Breakfast, Sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner and overnight.

Day 4 : Breakfast, sail to aswan visit philae temple, high dam, unfinished Obelisk, dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, free for optional Abu Simbel Tembles, lunch, visit the botanical gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 6 : Breakfast, sail to Komombo, visit the temple, lunch, sail to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 7 : Breakfast, arrival luxor, lunch, visit west bank ‘Valley of Kings/ Queens/ Hatshepsut and Colossis of Memnon’, dinner &            overnight

Day 8 : Disembarkation after breakfast, transfer from cruise to airport luxor to sharm el sheikh , ans transfer from airport sharm to sharm hotel, dinner & overnight

Day 9 – till day 14 Breakfast, Free for excursion  Sea trip / Safari …ect ‘optional’, dinner & overnight

Day 15Breakfast, transfer from sharm hotel airport sharm to luxor for final departure from luxor

Rates Includes :
- 07 nights Cruise Luxor/Luxor on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
07 nights in Iberotel Palace 5* or similar and Seti Sharm for the 4* or similar based on Half Board basis
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
- all transfers required



Program : :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1: Transfer from airport Cairo to Cairo Hotel and overnight

Day 2 :Breakfast, full day visit the pyramids/sphinx/ Memphis/Sakkara and lunch during their visit, transfer to sharm by bus ,           dinner and overnight

Day 3 : till day 6 Breakfast, Free for excursion  Sea trip / Safari …ect ‘optional’, dinner & overnight

Day 7 : Breakfast, transfer from sharm to cairo by bus, visit the Egyptian museum/ citadel/lunch/ khan el khalily, overnight at             cairo hotel

Day 8 Breakfast, Transfer from cairo hotel to the airport for final departure .

Rates Includes :
- 03 nights in cairo at intercontinental pyramids 5* or similar and Oasis for the 4* or similar based on Bed and Breakfast Basis
- 04 nights in sharm at Iberotel Palace 5* or similar and Seti Sharm for the 4* or similar based on Half Board Basis
- Visits in cairo : Pyramids/Sphinx/Memphis/sakkara/Egyptian Museim/Citadel/
Khan El Khalily
- 02 lunch during their visits
- all transfers required



• This offer valid from 20/01/2006 till 30/09/2006
• All above rates are quoted and payable in Us dollars, per person in double.
• Single supplement : USD 300 for the 5* and USD 240 for the 4* program
• Triple reduction     : USD 20
Program : :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1 : Transfer from airport Cairo to Cairo Hotel and overnight

Day 2 : Breakfast, full day visit the pyramids/sphinx/ Memephis/ Sakkara and lunch during their visit, transfer to the sleeping train station, dinner and overnight

Day 3 : Transfer from airport luxor to cruise, lunch, free at leisure, dinner & overnight

Day 4 : Breakfast, visit luxor temple and karnak temple, lunch, sailing to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, Sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner and overnight.

Day 6 : Breakfast, sail to aswan visit philae temple, high dam, unfinished Obelisk, dinner & overnight

Day 7 : Breakfast, free for optional Abu Simbel Tembles, lunch, visit the botanical gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 8 : Breakfast, sail to Komombo, visit the temple, lunch, sail to Esna, dinner & overnight

Day 9 : Breakfast, arrival luxor, lunch, visit west bank ‘Valley of Kings/ Queens/ Hatshepsut and Colossis of Memnon’, dinner & overnight

Day 10 : breakfast, transfer from cruise to luxor station by sleeping train, dinner & overnight

Day 11: Breakfast, transfer from sleeping train station to cairo hotel, visit the Egyptian museum/ citadel/lunch/ khan el khalily, overnight at cairo hotel

Day 12 : Breakfast, transfer from cairo hotel till the airport for final departure

Rates Includes :
- 02 nights in Cairo at intercontinental pyramids or Similar 5* or Oasis for the 4* or similar based on Half Board Basis .
- 02 nights sleeping train cai/lxr & lxr/cai based on half board basis
- 07 nights cruise Luxor / Luxor on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4* or similar based on full board basis
- all visits during their program includes :
       visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon,  
       Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden 
       in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
Visits in cairo : Pyramids/Sphinx/Memphis/sakkara/Egyptian Museim/Citadel/ Khan El Khalily
- 02 lunch during their visits in Cairo
- all transfers required
Rates Excludes :
- Visa [USD 25]
- Tips [USD 20]
- Supplement of  USD 100 from 09 – 24/04/2006
- Reduction of USD 35 from 01/05/2006 till 30/07/2006


Program: :[ please see attached details of the sight seeing which is included in your program]

Day 1: transfer from airport luxor to our 5* cruise,lunch, visit karnak & luxor temple ,dinner and overnight

Day 2 :Breakfast, visit the west bank (valley of kings/queens/colossis of Memnon),lunch sailing to Esna, Dinner &

Day 3 : Breakfast, sail to Edfu & visit the temple of Horus in Edfu, lunch, sail to Komombo, dinner & overnight

Day 4 : Breakfast, visit the Komombo Temple, lunch, sail to Aswan, visit the Botanical Gardens, dinner & overnight

Day 5 : Breakfast, visit philae temple, the high dam and the obelisk, disembarkation after breakfast, transfer from aswan to abu             simbel by bus, sound and light abu simbel, dinner & overnight

Day 6 : Breakfast, visit abu simbel temple, transfer from Abu simbel to aswan by bus, transfer to the aswan sleeping train             station to cairo, dinner & overnight.

Day 7 : Breakfast,Transfer from sleeping train to cairo hotel, visit the pyramids/sphinx/ Memephis/Sakkara and lunch during their            visit, return back to the hotel, overnight

Day 8 : Breakfast, visit the Egyptian museum/ citadel/ khan el khalily and lunch during the  visits, overnight in cairo hotel

Day 9 : Breakast, transfer from cairo hotel to the airport for final departure

Rates Includes :
- 04 nights cruise Luxor / Aswan on M/S Kira or similar 5* or Savoy for the 4*
or similar based on full board basis
- 01 nights Seti Abu Simbel 5* on Half Board Basis
- 01 night sleeping train ASW/CAI on half board basis
- 02 nights in Cairo at intercontinental pyramids or Similar 5* or Oasis for the 4* or similar based on Bed and Breakfast basis.
- all visits during their program includes
visits during cruise : Luxor and Karnak temple,valley of kings, Queens, colossis of Memnon, Horus in Edfu, temple shared by two gods Sobek and Heroeri in Komombo, Botanical garden in Aswan,Philae temple High dam, unfinished Obelisk.
Visits in Abu Simbel :  Abu simbel temple, Sound and light Abu Simbel
Visits in cairo : Pyramids/Sphinx/Memphis/sakkara/Egyptian Museim/Citadel/
Khan El Khalily
- 02 lunch during their visits in Cairo
- all transfers required including ASW/ABS & ABS/ASW

N B :
- Concerning our rates :  kindly be informed that all our rates in net you can add your profit on it

- Concerning Egyptair flight : finally they answer that they can not gave us special promotional rate until we decide    number  of  pax and specifying the dates please advise.

- Concerning visa : all clients coming in a group are allowed visa guaranteed by travel agents only so we can arrange it 

- Nile cruise program may be subject to change without any perior notice due to the Esna lock, water level ect… sequence of
   the visits may also be changed, however all sightseeing visits will be respected

- Our Cruise schedule every Thursday from Luxor & Monday from Aswan in order to reserve suitable flight

- If you have group we can arrange as special request to be every Saturday & Monday from Luxor & every Wednesday & Friday from Aswan
                                         EGYPT (land of pyramids)
( 02 nights Cairo/03 nights Nile Cruise/ 0 2 nights Train   )

Day 01 : Arrive Cairo Airport meet and assist, transfer to the hotel        O/N Cairo

Day 02 : Breakfast, Full day Sightseeing tour visiting of Gaza Pyramids, Sphinx, Papyrus School, Perfumes Institute ,                Coptic Cairo ( old churches ) and Islamic Cairo ( old mosques ) in the evening transfer to train station to Aswan.  O/N Train

Day 03 : Arrive Aswan train station ,  meet & assist, transfer to the Boat  before lunch, embarkation and visit the High Dam &  Unfinished Obelisk, Lunch & dinner on Board  O/N Cruise

Day 04 : Breakfast, Sail to Kom Ombo and visit Temple of Two Gods Sobek, lunch and sail to Edfu   O/N Cruise

Day 05 : Breakfast, visit temple of Horus, sail to Luxor , Lunch and visit Karnak temple,  O/N Cruise .

Day 06 : Breakfast, disembarkation and visit valley of Queens , Temple of Queen Hatshepsut & Clossi of Memnon, Transfer to train station to O/N Train

Day 07 : arrive Cairo airport meet & assist, transfer to the hotel.  
Day 08 : Breakfast, transfer to the Airport to for final departure .
Including :-

- Accommodation in Cairo for 02 nights on Bed & Breakfast
- Nile Cruise for 03 nights on Full Board with Sightseeing tours, Entrance fees, transfers & Guiding
- One full day Sightseeing tour with Entrance fees, transfers & Guiding
- All transfers ( Airport/Hotel/Airport )
- Meet & assist at the Airport
4* stars
-      Cairo at Delta Pyramids hotel or similar
-      Nile cruise at Rosetta Boat, Nile Splender or similar 





All Rates are in USD, Net & Non Commissionable




Genting: 01 Nt
Kaula Lampur: 02 Nts
Singapore: 03 Nts


Pattaya: 02 Nts
Bangkok: 02 Nts
Singapore: 03 Nts

Pattaya: 02 Nts + Bangkok: 02 Nts
Genting: 01 Nt + Kaula Lampur: 02 Nts
Singapore: 03 Nts

Std Pkg Cost: USD 316 pp
Dlx Pkg Cost: USD 415 pp

Std Pkg Cost : USD 302 pp
Dlx Pkg Cost : USD 415 pp

Std Pkg Cost : USD 412 PP
Dlx Pkg Cost : USD 540 PP


06 Nts Package Includes

Stay on Twin sharing with 06 Bfast
Kul Apt-Genting Htl-Kul Htl-Apt tfrs
Sin Apt-Htl-Sin tfrs
Outdoor Theme Park Rides
H/Day Kul City tour
H/Day Sin City tour
Sentosa Island Evening Tour
Night Safari Tour


07 Nts Package Includes

Stay on Twin sharing with 07 Bfast
Bkk Apt-Pty-Bkk Htl-Bkk apt tfrs
Sin Apt-Htl-Sin tfrs
Coral Island Tour with Lunch
H/Day Bk City tour
H/Day Sin City tour
Sentosa Island Evening Tour
Night Safari Tour





10 Nts Package Includes

Stay on Twin sharing with 10 Bfast
Kul Apt-Genting Htl-Kul Htl-Apt tfrs
Bkk Apt-Pty-Bkk Htl-Bkk apt tfrs
Sin Apt-Htl-Sin tfrs
Outdoor Theme Park Rides
H/Day Kul, Sin and Bkk City tour
Sentosa Island Evening Tour
Night Safari Tour

Coral Island Tour with Lunch





Kul-Sin By Coach : USD 24
Dinner at Kul: USD 13
Dinner at Genting: USD 10

Jurong Bird Park : USD 27


Al Cazar Show: USD 14
Dinner :Kul: USD 16
Dinr:Genting/Sin: USD 10

Jurong Bird Park : USD 27


Al Cazar Show: USD 14
Dinner:Kul-USD 13, Gen/Sin-USD 10
Kul-Sin By Coach : USD 24

Jurong Bird Park : USD 27




Std Package: Champ Pattaya, White Orchid(bkk),Grand Continental (KuL), First World (Gent) & Fortuna(Sin)
Dlx Package: Golden Beach(Pty),Royal Park(Bkk),Theme Park(Gtg),Grand Season(Kul) & Golden Landmark(Sin)

Imp Notes:

Sentosa Tour Includes Cable car,Underwaterworld,Dolphin Lagoon and SONG OF THE SEAS LASER SHOW

Dinners are without transfers except in KUL where Dinners will be with transfers.

All Rates are subject to Change without prior notice.Surcharges May apply during Peak Periods.






3 Nights/4 Days Hotel Stay On Twin Sharing Basis.Breakfast,Lunch & Dinner in Casino Airport/Hotel/Airport Transfer & City Sightseeing by Coach. All Applicable Hotel Taxes.
TAC-500(Valid Till 15 Sept 07)

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